Ahoy there ye landlubbers! What ye be starin' at?? This ol' pirate has come down with the scurvy now, and it don't be lookin' good. We've sailed into the eye of the storm but there's more yet, you bet yer beer-swaggling boots! 'Tis another fortnight and a half till be we spottin' land.
Avast! This here neglected piece of black magic (blog) has been givin' me the grog and right smartly so. We be swabbin' the decks from sun up till sun down and be gettin' nowhere I say! Though we be singin' the shanty to keep the spirits up and away, never you fear.
Aye, this storm's a long one, but she be blowin' herself out soon enough. When we get through, we'll take count of the losses and set course for treasure island to build up our stores! No man left behind! ARRRR!!
Thursday, May 24, 2012
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
More Festivities of the Nuptial Variety
So Andrew's sister got married this last weekend.
It really was a beautiful wedding. And I had a ton of fun!
But I'm still tired and I'm pretty sure I left my pinky toes back on the dance floor.
As any good (or bad)(or just any) blogger knows, you have to constantly be thinking about what you are going to write about next.
Well, I had some good ideas, let me tell you. We had plenty of stuff going on, the wedding being the big one, and I was going to take pictures and form some witty rhetoric in my head to go with them, and come up with an even wittier title (ok, I came up with it before-hand and I couldn't resist using it anyway). I even had a plan to put them all together and post them. Yep, that's how good I am.
Too bad plans don't usually go as ... well, as planned.
Maybe I will get the pictures off of facebook (once they go up) and show you all the things that happened last weekend. I guess without pictures, you'll never believe me.
It really was a beautiful wedding. And I had a ton of fun!
But I'm still tired and I'm pretty sure I left my pinky toes back on the dance floor.
As any good (or bad)(or just any) blogger knows, you have to constantly be thinking about what you are going to write about next.
Well, I had some good ideas, let me tell you. We had plenty of stuff going on, the wedding being the big one, and I was going to take pictures and form some witty rhetoric in my head to go with them, and come up with an even wittier title (ok, I came up with it before-hand and I couldn't resist using it anyway). I even had a plan to put them all together and post them. Yep, that's how good I am.
Too bad plans don't usually go as ... well, as planned.
Maybe I will get the pictures off of facebook (once they go up) and show you all the things that happened last weekend. I guess without pictures, you'll never believe me.
Saturday, May 5, 2012
Wasting Time
I seem to be really good at consistently posting like every other week.
I get really motivated for a whole week and I have to tell you absolutely everything and my life is so interesting and important and I'm super witty... and then it all just stops.
I know what you're going to say: "Oh you just have a bit of writer's block."
What a super lame excuse.
Here's my better excuse:
As you may have heard, I am, in fact, Superwoman. With a capital S. I spend my days at work doing the Gold Mine thing, but then, at night, I suit up in some latex/spandex/other kind of -ex and fly (does Superwoman fly?) around the country and save people. Gentlemen in turmoil, to be exact. Don't worry though, as soon as those gentlemen start to gaze deeply into my eyes, I say my goodbyes; wouldn't want to go making the husband jealous.
In my spare time, I experiment in the lab. I'm attempting to create a new stretchy -ex material to make my suit out of. You see, sometimes the super suit gets very uncomfortable and rides up in the most awkward places, I'm sure I don't need to share the details. Anyway, I can tell that I'm really close to a breakthrough. Just a few more hours in the lab, I'm sure.
So now you can see why I simply don't have time to blog, sometimes. Or be funny, or witty, or sarcastic, or lame.
Ok, now here's my real excuse for lack-o-blogging lately:
Andrew showed me minecraft.
For those of you with experience with minecraft, you will know exactly what I'm talking about. For those of you without experience, know this: only start playing minecraft if you desperately need to fill like 10 hours a day. Or so. Roughly. Not that I have ever spent that much time in a day on it. I mean, why would you even think that? That is really one of the most ridiculous things I've ever heard. Pfft. Jeez.
I know what you're going to say: "Oh you just have a bit of writer's block."
What a super lame excuse.
Here's my better excuse:
As you may have heard, I am, in fact, Superwoman. With a capital S. I spend my days at work doing the Gold Mine thing, but then, at night, I suit up in some latex/spandex/other kind of -ex and fly (does Superwoman fly?) around the country and save people. Gentlemen in turmoil, to be exact. Don't worry though, as soon as those gentlemen start to gaze deeply into my eyes, I say my goodbyes; wouldn't want to go making the husband jealous.
In my spare time, I experiment in the lab. I'm attempting to create a new stretchy -ex material to make my suit out of. You see, sometimes the super suit gets very uncomfortable and rides up in the most awkward places, I'm sure I don't need to share the details. Anyway, I can tell that I'm really close to a breakthrough. Just a few more hours in the lab, I'm sure.
So now you can see why I simply don't have time to blog, sometimes. Or be funny, or witty, or sarcastic, or lame.
Ok, now here's my real excuse for lack-o-blogging lately:
Andrew showed me minecraft.
For those of you with experience with minecraft, you will know exactly what I'm talking about. For those of you without experience, know this: only start playing minecraft if you desperately need to fill like 10 hours a day. Or so. Roughly. Not that I have ever spent that much time in a day on it. I mean, why would you even think that? That is really one of the most ridiculous things I've ever heard. Pfft. Jeez.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012
Teh Weddings
Ahhh wedding season. Don't you just love it?
Want to know my favorite thing? I don't have to plan any of it any more, ever again.
Sometimes I fool myself into thinking that that would be a fun thing to do, plan weddings, like professionally or something. But then I remember how stressful it is and how some (most) (ok, let's be honest, all) women turn into bride-zilla and I really wouldn't be able to handle that. You know what I mean? Even me, mild mannered, laid back me, had to have everything just perfect for my wedding. It's amazing how much a girl can freak out about colors or something stupid like that.
This last weekend my (newly acquired) bro-in-law married my (even newly-er acquired) sis-in-law.
Side note: It looks like Cami is being beamed up by Scotty, but that is, in fact, just a light post.
And you know what I've been thinking all week?
"Those lucky ducks! They get to sit around and do absolutely whatever they want alllll week, while I'm stuck here in Elko, in the rain, getting up at 4:30 every morning."
The wedding was super fun. We got to hang out with in-laws. I am lucky to have some pretty amazing in-laws and I love them. No joke :)
Going along with the Best Part thing, I loved the reception cause I just got to sit there and eat the whole time. And goof off with the nephews
i.e. take scary-ghost-mouth pictures
and play on iphones.
Just look at those two stud muffins in their aqua neck apparel.
These two, my niece and nephew, were pretty much throwin down the awesomest dance moves all night.
These guys were bustin a pretty good move, too
They day we drove home from Vegas, there was the prettiest sunset.
Seriously, these pictures do not do it justice.
So you know how I usually say "We made such and such for dinner tonight"? Well, I've been caught.
Really, I just wanted everyone to think that I am superwoman and I work all day and then come home and make fabulous amazing dinners, all while keeping my apartment spotless, all at the time. But it's been called to my attention that lying on the internet is bad form because people will believe anything they read. So I guess I'm being forced persuaded to set the record straight.
First off, I'd like to say that I am, in fact, superwoman. Blogger-and-Environmental-Chemist-by-day is just my cover story.
Ok, now the hard part.
I don't actually cook most of the time. ANDREW is the one that cooks most of the time.
His argument is that I don't say "WE work at a gold mine" so I shouldn't be able to say "WE made this for dinner."
I guess it's a pretty good point.
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