Sadly, the deli was not doing so well and had to close. Shahn and Andrew didn't see very much of each other any more, even though they only lived a block away (ok, less). He took her to a job interview (because she didn't have a car) and she would stop by the house only occasionally (because she was shy). He stopped dating his girl but she started dating another boy.
Now, I know what you are thinking. "This isn't a love story!" But just wait! Our tale has not come to its end yet!
Both Shahn and Andrew moved that summer and saw even less of each other. Over the next couple of years they would run into one another on campus and chat for a few moments. Always they thought "why do I not hang out with him/her?" but never did it happen.
Three years passed, Shahn graduated and moved out of the state for a job.
Now, I know what you are thinking. "Wait, this is just getting even more impossible!" But you must believe! Love will conquer all!
When I say "she moved out of state" it is a true statement, but it is also true that it was the next state over. She was still only 4 hours away from him.
One day, not long after her move, Shahn received a Facebook invite from one of Andrew's brothers to go to a concert that they were having. She decided it was well worth the 4 hour drive (she could still remember Andrew's perfect smile) and decided to make the trip.
The night of the concert, Shahn could barely contain her excitement. Andrew's band came on stage and started playing. From up on the stage, he could see her face; their hearts started beating faster.
Now, I know what you are thinking. "Finally!" But unfortunately, sometimes boys and girls are slow and unsure. It took another 3 months of traveling back and forth for them to realize that they really did want to love each other. But, once they figured that out, the rest was just a downhill slide.
First kiss: Sept. 18
Engaged: Nov. 26
Married: Feb. 10

oh yay! I am so excited you have a blog that I can follow and keep up with your cute life! Your wedding pictures are gorgeous. I loved looking through a few of them of fb. And the story above it adorable! xo