Friday, August 3, 2012

Trip: Day 3

So because of this whole time difference thing I kind of skipped a day. Also it's been really stressful trying to get around a place that has no street signs, so yeah. When your job is "the navigator" it leaves little time for blogging. Or taking pictures for that matter. Here are the few that I took today..

So here is a fun story: when we landed for the last time in our country of destination, right as the wheels touched the run way, the entire plane burst into applause. They were so happy to be back on the ground

Another funny story: our hotel room was TEENY!! 

So can you guess where we were today?


  1. You know, guessing where you are is kinda no fun when Andrew posts where you are on facebook everyday.....

  2. That is tiny! But it looks like fun!

  3. Kate: I know, right!! We've compromised and decided he can give the country but not the city. So you guys can guess the city we are in. It will change almost every day.

    Sara: it was so fun! These hotels have been half the experience so far.
