Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Stay on the sunny side, Always on the sunny side!

Have you ever been told that you have to have a connection to a company to get hired? Well, it is absolutely true. You can't even get an interview without an in, let me tell you. And the other crazy thing is that you can use the most obscure connection in the world and it can still work. 

Little update for you: 
1. I don't have a job
2. Andrew started school 3 weeks ago and is working his butt off (right, Andrew?)
3. We are homeless (we decided that's what we're going to be fore Halloween. Bonus: we don't even have to dress up! I call it "looking on the bright side.")
4. As soon as I find a job, we will find a place to live. For now, we are taking advantage of our parents' infinite kindness and sleeping in guest bedrooms. 

We've both been sick since getting home from Europe. Andrew caught some weird (zombie) strain of the flu and his body attacked itself (like I said, zombie). No worries though, he's on some crazy meds now and is doing much better. 

If you hear of any amazing job opportunities, (I'm looking for a lab position, close to Provo, great pay, amazing benefits, good hours, short commute; ya know, not really being picky at all) let me know! :)

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