Wednesday, May 2, 2012

So you know how I usually say "We made such and such for dinner tonight"? Well, I've been caught.

Really, I just wanted everyone to think that I am superwoman and I work all day and then come home and make fabulous amazing dinners, all while keeping my apartment spotless, all at the time. But it's been called to my attention that lying on the internet is bad form because people will believe anything they read. So I guess I'm being forced persuaded to set the record straight.

First off, I'd like to say that I am, in fact, superwoman. Blogger-and-Environmental-Chemist-by-day is just my cover story.

Ok, now the hard part.

I don't actually cook most of the time. ANDREW is the one that cooks most of the time.

His argument is that I don't say "WE work at a gold mine" so I shouldn't be able to say "WE made this for dinner."
I guess it's a pretty good point.

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