Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Happy Tuesday

Tuesdays are the worst day of the week. Always. No argument.

The End

Ok, not the end.

I know, I know, I just talked about this.
You know how people always complain about Mondays? And it's ok, because everyone else hates Mondays too?
Well this is me, complaining about Mondays; except that I don't think Mondays are that bad.
(Say Mondays again)
Starting to sound weird, isn't it?

My therapist (aka the person inside my head who likes to talk to me) (Now you're all saying "she does need a therapist") tells me that thinking of happy things when I'm sad is good for me. Here we go:

1. New blogs and funny peeps
2. Smart-phones. You should have seen me the day I got rid of my dumb-phone. You know how when beauty queens cry when they win? Yeah, that was me. "Thank you, thank you! I can't believe this is happening to me! I'm so happy." (invoke memory of hilarious scene from Miss Congeniality)(lol)
3. Husbands that do the dishes.
4. Wait, I should have cut that last one off at the first word: Husbands
5. Still wrong. I'm not a polygamist: Husband
6. Hmmm multiple husbands....
7. Nope, wouldn't work
8. Ok, back on track...
9. Still hate Tuesdays
10. Fail

We tried this recipe again. But no anchovies this time (I can practically hear your sighs of relief)  (seriously, what possessed me to try that in the first place? I will never know).
Greek olives instead of anchovies, and no bacon. We went vegetarian last night. Next stop: Vegan academy!

1 comment:

  1. okay, you are absolutely hilarious girl! and i love that you just referenced miss congeniality. such a great movie. gotta love sanda bullock ;)
    xo TJ
